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ED 5990 Unit Exercises and Discussions
Richard Bloodworth

Unit Eight


Comment to Carla:

I'll be interested in reading your paper in particular about backward design, the six facets of understanding, control theory, assertive discipline, the Ginott model, and the Fred Jones Model. --- Richard

Comment to Kathy:

You definitely have an idea that everyone is interested in. Maybe you can use this for your bank (or sell the idea to the bank) to give to new customers or to high school students when teaching them about personal finance. --- Richard


I mentioned that there is a military recruitment office in the Georgia Square Mall in Athens , GA. The one I mentioned is for the Marines, Air Force and perhaps Navy. At the other end of the mall there is a recruitment office for the Army only that I saw today. Inside there were several brochures which you might already be familiar with in mostly in English and some in Spanish most printed in the same graphic style in yellow and black:


ROTC second lieutenant brochure

ROTC What Parents Should Know

Being a Soldier in an Army of One

Information request post card

Rise to the Challenge

More Options: Increased Enlistment Bonuses

Army Partnership for Youth Success

Army Warrant Officer Flight Training

Army Special Forces

Army Linguist

Army Reserve: Pride, Duty, and Accomplishment

Turn What You Love into What You Do

There are More than 200 Ways to be a Soldier

Jump Start Your Future

Army Spouse, Army Family

Army Officer Candidate School

Want to Build Your Student's Resume?

Army ROTC = Officer

Hablemos Sobre el Futuro de sus Hijos

Existen mas de 200 Maneras de estar en el Army

Y Ustedes � Sus Orgullosos Padres

Contact information:

Athens Recruiting Station

Georgia Square Mall

3700 Atlanta Highway, Suite 233

Athens , GA 30606

706-546-6201 office

706-546-6333 fax

Email: --- Richard

Hi Richard, I'm very curious to see how the ultimate plan plays out. This seems like a fascinating plan. Is the title 2020 because that is the plan for full implementation? Do you have others on board to work on making this happen? You definitely have your work cut out for you.

Good luck on this project and nice job --- Alisa

My reply:

Yes, 2020, besides having a nice ring to it and meaning clear vision, would be the year for the implementation goal. Everybody in this class is watching each other's projects grow so we are all understanding that these are works-in-progress and I think of this project as an evolutionary project. I am getting some people interested I think but I want to have it developed to a certain level before I present it to some people of influence (yes, I think all the participants in the class are people of influence, but you know what I mean) or people who can help make this happen. I am going to join the American Political Science Association (I just spoke to a University of Georgia professor in this field) so I will see where that will lead. You can be my organization's treasurer or public relations director if you would like. Just send in your resume and I'll give it to my human resource director (me, right now) and we will contact you as soon as the position is available :^ ) --- Richard


Unit 8: Present a Draft of Your Project

This page lists the unit's Objectives and Learning Activities.

By the end of this unit, a successful learner should be able to:

  1. Articulate the components and scope of the project.
  2. Integrate feedback into the final design of the project.
u08s1 Prepare Outline

Prepare a draft of your project. If you presented your outline in Unit 7, prepare an updated outline along with your draft for the assignment.
Assignments and Discussions
u08a1 Submit Outline

Submit and post a rough draft of your project or well-developed outline. Before you begin this assignment, complete Learning Activity u 08s1 .

If you opted to present in Unit 7, submit your updated outline here.

When you complete this assignment, click Submit and proceed to Learning Activity u08d1 . There, you will paste in your draft or outline and receive feedback from other Learners in your group.

u08d1 Comment on Outlines

Before you begin this assignment, complete Learning Activity u 08a1 .

After you have submitted your draft or outline in u 08a1, paste it in this discussion. You may want to expand on your rationale for organizing your project in the way you have selected.

Comment on the drafts or outlines submitted by the other members of your small group.