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ED 5990 Unit Exercises and Discussions
Richard Bloodworth

Unit Seven

U7 Outlines

Connie's Presentation Area: Parental Involvement in School

Comment to Connie Brown:

Concerning the importance of family, parental, and community involvement in education as a collaborative enterprise: in the classes I have taught I have found that, by far, the students that perform the best are the ones that study their homework with their parents or some other study partner. Studying is usually considered a solitary endeavor but, since humans are social beings, perhaps homework or study activities could include partner activities where the partner calls out to the learner the words or concepts to be learned. The homework or study partner could be (either as a constant one or revolving amongst several study partners) a parent, a sibling, a fellow student, a friend, etc. By using this method, the partner is sharing in the educational experience and learning too.

Darryl's Presentation Area: The Optimal Experience: A Guide to Understanding the Essential Components in Achieving Maximal Results in Events

Comment to Darryl:

I think your project involves a lot of the concepts of existentialism as well as spiritualism so you might consider some sources and authors related to those areas, such as Jean Paul Sartre.

Geri's Presentation Area: LMS Consultants

Comment to Geri:

Consulting sounds like advising or suggesting methods and materials. Are you are also planning on designing courses for clients? Say, if they provided you with a textbook and information to include in a course would you actually create the course content for them? --- Richard

Robert's Presentation Area: Character Education Improvement Plan

Comment to Robert:

It sounds like you and Alisa are covering some similar issues. Maybe you both can share some resources. I posted under her outline in unit 6 some book sources that you might be interested in. --- Richard


Unit07: Learners Present an Outline

This page lists the unit's Objectives and Learning Activities.

By the end of this unit, a successful learner should be able to:

  1. Articulate the components and scope of the project.
  2. Integrate feedback into the final design of the project.

Read this Learning Unit's Presentation .

u07s1 Prepare Outline

Prepare your project outline.

Assignments and Discussions
u07a1 Submit Outline

Before you begin this assignment, complete Learning Activity u07s1.

If you opted to present in Unit 7, submit your outline here. If you presented in Unit 6, submit an update to your outline.

When you complete this assignment, click Submit and proceed to Learning Activity u07d1. There, you will paste in your proposed outline and receive feedback from other Learners in your group.

u07d1 Comment on Outlines

Before you begin this assignment, complete Learning Activity u07a1.

After you have submitted your outline in u06a1, paste it in this discussion. You may want to expand on your rationale for organizing your project in the way you have selected.

Comment on the outlines submitted by the other members of your small group.