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TS5514 Unit Exercises and Discussions
Unit 4 � Application of Advanced Vector Graphic Techniques
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U4d1 Response to Readings In Chapter 36, I think converting rasters to vectors is a useful technique which allows for usually smaller file size and more versatility for animation purposes. The file sizes can also depend on the work flow options (images traced and exported from Freehand, traced in Freehand and exported from Flash, traced and exported from Flash, or broken apart and exported from Flash). Useful also are the enhancements available through Freehand and the use of the trace tool. Flash production in Illustrator is particularly useful for me since that is the vector program that I prefer to make vector images with. Richard U4d2 Splash Page I am still waiting to have my Internet service installed so that I can upload my assignments. I think everyone's splash pages are looking very good. ----- Richard Here is the url for the splash page, which now has an inactive Enter button, at this stage: Splash1.htm U4d2 comment to Julie I think your splash page is looking great. I am now in Disney World (showing my guest from Taiwan around) during the course break and there are plenty of great ideas flying around here. I think some of the ideas here could incorporate well into your projects (and mine as well). Many of the themes here involve the importance of imagination and magic and that is what the whole Disney empire was built on. ----- Richard __________ So far so good. I think the choices of images and colors is very good. I do think your splash needs a little further development. Are you planning to do more work on your composition? ---- Amar Almasude I plan on developing and modifying several aspects of the design when I get to Athens . I think I will make the project as a demonstration of techniques learned during the TS 5514 course rather than a client related project. Thank you for your comments, ----- Richard __________ This letter is just to let you know my situation at present. I am now in a Kinko's and I am still waiting for my Internet connection in the house where I am staying. The scheduled date for the Internet connection at my house is August 13. Until that time I'll use other facilities such as Kinko's. I have been reading all of the texts and have read all of the courseroom comments and have responded to some. I have made an index page which has links to the TS5514 projects as well as the TS5514 projects and splash page. Some of the pages have not been uploading from Kinko's � I guess because of all of their filters -- but the Capella lab assistants were able to help me upload them. Moving back to the USA from Taiwan has been exhausting: finding a dwelling, getting a car, continuing with the Capella coursework. Also, I have a visitor from Taiwan, who showed me all around Taiwan and who I am playing host to here, so that involves time too (I am going with him to Disney World in Orlando partly during the course break � I hope I get some good ideas while I'm there J ). I considered, while in Taiwan , taking the summer off but I thought I would continue with the design completion plan which is why I wrote to you to inform you of my move back to the USA , which is really a life transition. I had wanted to move back at the first of July but the first available flight to the USA (when I called in the beginning of June) was July 22. I plan on continuing the 2 courses I am now taking during this time but I will devote full time to the completion of this course when my guest returns to Taiwan , in the middle of August. At that point, since I will be devoting my time primarily to the completion of the Capella courses, I plan on spending from 8 to 12 hours a day, on most days, on the Capella courses until January. I am enjoying the content of this course as I did the previous course and thank you for you knowledge and input. Thank you, Richard Bloodworth P.S. My url for the TS5514 course was: |
Unit 4 Objectives and Activities -- August 2, 2004