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TS5514 Unit Exercises and Discussions

Unit 3 � Theory of Vector Graphics and Multimedia

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u3d1 Exercises

1.The jpeg images seem to be the most versatile and universal format for importing bitmaps graphics and since that file extension is the most familiar with me to work with it is the file type that I prefer.

2. I converted one raster (bitmap) image of a detailed Boca Raton , Florida ink drawing that I did. When I set the color threshold in the trace bitmap dialogue box to a low number the process took a long time and did not finish when set to zero and went very quickly when set to a high number such as 300 but the image seemed to be grayed out at that setting. The best results seemed to be when the color threshold settings were set at between 50 to 100. ----- Richard

Of the two images below, the first is the raster image and the second is the vector graphic version:

u3d2 Splash Page

I am designing the splash page and will send it when I get an Internet connection next week (I am sending this now through Kinko's facilities since I just returned to the USA from having been in Taiwan for 14 months). ----- Richard

u3d3 Outline and Map

The project outline is developing and become more detailed and this too will be sent when I get Internet connection which hopefully will be by next week. ----- Richard


Unit 3 Objectives and Activities -- July 26, 2004


Through successful completion of this unit, you will:

  1. Import and work with bitmap images in Flash.
  2. Recognize when to use bitmap images and other graphic formats.
  3. Become proficient with importing bitmap files into Flash, including sequences and copying.
  4. Use the various file formats and procedures for converting bitmap images into vector images. Use bitmap compression.

Read this Learning Unit's Presentation . u03s1 Text Reading
Read Chapter 16: Macromedia Flash MX 2004 Bible . u03s2 Web Site Review
Review the following Web sites:

Facts about Bitmap Images � Graphics Fundamentals .

Reading Review: Developing Educational Software Components .

Second Story Interactive Studios .


u03s3 Project
Continue working on your project outline and site map. Your plan should be fairly well developed at the end of this unit.

Assignments and Discussions

u03d1 Exercises

Importing and Working with Bitmaps in Flash


Do the following exercises using your own or found images.


  1. Import five different bitmap files into Flash including: .JPG, .GIF, .PSD, .PNG, and .TIFF. Then summarize your experience with the process.
  2. Convert one raster image into vector format using the �trace bitmap� feature. Then summarize your experience with this process.
Post the results of your exercises. Include a summary of the results of your exercise experiments including (when possible) the images you worked with. Discuss where you would use the different graphic file formats. Discuss where these graphic formats were used on the Web sites for this unit. u03d2 Bitmap Strategies
1. Make a list of tools, techniques, and strategies that you plan to use in the development of your Web site by answering the following questions.
  • How many bitmap images are you planning to use in your project?
  • When you are planning to use several high-resolution bitmap images, please review the strategies you can use to limit the impact of bitmap images on Flash playback performance.
  • What strategies would you use to limit the degradation of a movie if the viewer scales your project beyond the original pixel size?

2. Post your responses.

3. Read the bitmap strategies and planning ahead reviews by your classmates. Discuss the pros and cons of at least two.

u03d3 Draft of Splash Design
1. Plan, design, and create a rough layout of your splash page using Flash, Fireworks, Photoshop, Illustrator, or a combination of these applications.


  • The final splash page design will be in Flash format.
  • The splash design should include at least three source photographic bitmap images, as well as a minimum of three vector elements.
  • The splash page can be for a software application (for example, you see the software splash when you open the program), it can be for an artist's work (used in CD portfolios), or it can accomplish other functions. It can also be the opening splash page for your Web site or movie.
  • Your splash page must contain at least one tasteful animation that relates to the content.

2. Post your draft splash design.

3. Discuss the rough splash page design and plans of your classmates.